海外大手メディアが選ぶGame Critics Best of E3ノミネート作品発表! | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


海外大手メディアが選ぶGame Critics Best of E3ノミネート作品発表!

IGN、Kotaku、USA Today、Game Informer、Yahoo Gamesをはじめ21の米国大手メディアが、E3 2010で最も注目を浴びたゲームを選ぶ、毎年恒例のGame Critic Awardsノミネート作品が発表になりました。

PC Windows

IGN、Kotaku、USA Today、Game Informer、Yahoo Gamesをはじめ21の米国大手メディアが、E3 2010のベストタイトルを選ぶ、毎年恒例のGame Critic Awardsノミネート作品が発表になりました。

最も栄誉ある“Best of Show”には、ニンテンドー3DS、ValveのPortal 2、id SoftwareのRage、Junction PointのEpic Mickey、HarmonixのDance Centralが選出。

国産タイトルでは、水口哲也氏のChild of Eden、カプコンのGhost Trick、大神伝、Marvel vs. Capcom 3、任天堂のKirby's Epic Yarn、The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Swordといった作品がノミネートされています。

* * * * * * *


 * Dance Central (Harmonix/MTV Games/Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * Disney's Epic Mickey (Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios for Wii)
 * Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo)
 * Portal 2 (Valve for PC / Mac, PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * Bulletstorm (People Can Fly/Epic Games/EA for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Child of Eden (Q Entertainment/Ubisoft for PS3, Xbox 360)
 * Dance Central (Harmonix/MTV Games/Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * Disney's Epic Mickey (Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios for Wii)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * Disney's Epic Mickey (Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios for Wii)
 * InFamous 2 (Sucker Punch/Sony Computer Entertainment for PS3)
 * Kirby's Epic Yarn (Good-Feel/Nintendo for Wii)
 * Portal 2 (Valve for PC / Mac, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * Ghost Trick (Capcom for Nintendo DS)
 * God of War: Ghost of Sparta (Ready at Dawn/Sony Santa Monica for PSP)
 * Okamiden (Capcom for Nintendo DS)
 * Super Scribblenauts (5TH Cell/WBIE for Nintendo DS)
 * Valkyria Chronicles 2 (Sega for PSP)


 * Civilization V (Firaxis/2K Games)
 * Crysis 2 (CryTek/EA)
 * Portal 2 (Valve)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda)
 * Star Wars: The Old Republic (BioWare Austin/LucasArts/EA)


 * Kinect (Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * Move (Sony for PlayStation 3)
 * Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo)
 * Rock Band 3 Pro Guitars (Harmonix/MTV Games/Mad Catz)
 * Rock Band 3 Keyboard (Harmonix/MTV Games/Mad Catz)


 * Bulletstorm (People Can Fly/Epic Games/EA for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Call of Duty: Black Ops (TreyArch/Activision for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Gears of War 3 (Epic Game/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 * Halo: Reach (Bungie/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Dead Space 2 (Visceral Games/EA for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Disney's Epic Mickey (Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios for Wii)
 * Portal 2 (Valve for PC / Mac, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for Wii)


 * Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Eidos Montreal/Square-Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
 * Fable III (Lionhead/Microsoft Game Studios for PC and Xbox 360)
 * Fallout: New Vegas (Obsidian/Bethesda for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Star Wars: The Old Republic (BioWare Austin/LucasArts/EA for PC)
 * The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (CD Projekt RED STUDIO/Atari for PC)


 * Gran Turismo 5 (Polyphony Digital/Sony Computer Entertainment for PS3)
 * MotorStorm: Apolcalypse (Evolution Studios/Sony Computer Entertainment for PS3)
 * Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (Criterion Games/EA for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Test Drive Unlimited 2 (Eden Games/Atari for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)


 * Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (Capcom for PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Mortal Kombat (NetherRealm/WBIE for PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * WWE All Stars (THQ San Diego/THQ for PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * EA Sports MMA (EA Tiburon/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
 * Madden NFL 11 (EA Tiburon/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
 * NBA Jam (EA Canada/EA Sports for Wii)
 * NCAA Football 11 (EA Tiburon/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
 * NHL 11 (EA Canada/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)


 * Civilization V (Firaxis/2K Games for PC)
 * Company of Heroes Online (Relic/THQ for PC)
 * End of Nations (Petroglyph/Trion Worlds for PC)
 * Shogun 2: Total War (The Creative Assembly/Sega for PC)


 * Dance Central (Harmonix/MTV Games/Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * DJ Hero 2 (FreeStyle Games/Activision for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii)
 * Kinect Adventures (Good Science Studio/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 * Rock Band 3 (Harmonix/MTV Games/EA for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii)


 * Child of Eden (Q Entertainment/Ubisoft for PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Dance Central (Harmonix/MTV Games/Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * Socom 4 (Zipper/Sony Computer Entertainment for PS3)
 * The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for Wii)
 * Your Shape: Fitness Evolved (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for Xbox 360)


 * Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Gears of War 3 (Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360 )
 * Halo Reach (Bungie/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 * Medal of Honor (EALA/DICE/EA for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
 * Star Wars: The Old Republic (BioWare Austin/LucasArts/EA for PC)

これらの受賞作品の発表は7月6日に行われるとのこと。昨年度のGame Critics Awardでは、Uncharted 2: Among Thievesが最優秀賞に輝いています。

(ソース: Game Critics Awards via Joystiq)

Game Critics: Best of E3受賞作品発表!『Uncharted 2』『Scribblenauts』他
GameSpotのBest of E3アワードが発表!最優秀賞は『カービィ』
E3 10: IGNのBest of E3アワードが発表!最優秀賞は『Rage』
続々追加!E3 2010出展タイトルリスト最新版
E3 10: Best of E3も受賞!水口氏新作『Child of Eden』ゲームプレイ映像
E3 10: 『E3 2010の注目トレイラー映像』10選!
《Rio Tani》

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