インディーゲームアワード「IGF Awards」第21回受賞作品決定!大賞は『Return of the Obra Dinn』 | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


インディーゲームアワード「IGF Awards」第21回受賞作品決定!大賞は『Return of the Obra Dinn』

インディゲームの祭典「Independent Games Festival」にて選出されるアワードの第21回受賞作品が発表されました。各部門の受賞作品およびノミネート作品は以下の通り(☆が受賞。カッコ内は賞金額)。

ニュース ゲーム業界
インディーゲームアワード「IGF Awards」第21回受賞作品決定!大賞は『Return of the Obra Dinn』
  • インディーゲームアワード「IGF Awards」第21回受賞作品決定!大賞は『Return of the Obra Dinn』
  • インディーゲームアワード「IGF Awards」第21回受賞作品決定!大賞は『Return of the Obra Dinn』
  • インディーゲームアワード「IGF Awards」第21回受賞作品決定!大賞は『Return of the Obra Dinn』

インディゲームの祭典「Independent Games Festival」にて選出されるアワードの第21回受賞作品が発表されました。各部門の受賞作品およびノミネート作品は以下の通り(☆が受賞。カッコ内は賞金額)。

Seumas McNally Grand Prize(30,000ドル)

Minit (Kitty Calis, Jan Willem Nijman, Jukio Kallio & Dominik Johann)
Opus Magnum (Zachtronics)
Noita (Nolla Games)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope)
Hypnospace Outlaw (Jay Tholen, Mike Lasch, Xalavier Nelson Jr., Corey Cochran)
Do Not Feed the Monkeys (Fictiorama Studios)

Wandersong (Greg Lobanov & A Shell in the Pit)
Subnautica (Unknown Worlds Entertainment)
Mirror Drop (Ian Lilley)
Moss (Polyarc)
Unavowed (Wadjet Eye Games)
Iconoclasts (Joakim Sandberg)
Virtual Virtual Reality (Tender Claws)
Beat Saber (Beat Games)

Excellence in Visual Art(3,000ドル)

Forgotton Anne (ThroughLine Games)
Alto's Odyssey (Team Alto)
Hypnospace Outlaw (Jay Tholen, Mike Lasch, Xalavier Nelson Jr., Corey Cochran)
Just Shapes & Beats (Berzerk Studio)
Mirror Drop (Ian Lilley)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope)

Beat Saber (Beat Games)
Wandersong (Greg Lobanov & A Shell in the Pit)
Subnautica (Unknown Worlds Entertainment)
Moss (Polyarc)
Iconoclasts (Joakim Sandberg)
Guildlings (Sirvo Studios)
Paratopic (Arbitrary Metric)

Excellence in Audio(3,000ドル)

ETHEREAL (Nonsense Arts - Nicolás Recabarren and Tomás Batista)
Hypnospace Outlaw (Jay Tholen, Mike Lasch, Xalavier Nelson Jr., Corey Cochran)
Moss (Polyarc)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope)
Alto's Odyssey (Team Alto)
Paratopic (Arbitrary Metric)

Creaks (Amanita Design)
Holedown (grapefrukt games)
Pikuniku (Sectordub)
The Messenger (Sabotage)
Distance (Refract Studios)
Wandersong (Greg Lobanov & A Shell in the Pit)
Wattam (Funomena)

Excellence in Design(3,000ドル)

What the Golf? (Triband)
Do Not Feed the Monkeys (Fictiorama Studios)
Noita (Nolla Games)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope)
Dicey Dungeons (Terry Cavanagh, Chipzel, and Marlowe Dobbe)
Opus Magnum (Zachtronics)

Subnautica (Unknown Worlds Entertainment)
Carto (Sunhead Games)
Black Room (Cassie McQuater)
JUMPGRID (Ian MacLarty)
Mirror Drop (Ian Lilley)
Hypnospace Outlaw (Jay Tholen, Mike Lasch, Xalavier Nelson Jr., Corey Cochran)
Beat Saber (Beat Games)

Excellence in Narrative(3,000ドル)

Wandersong (Greg Lobanov & A Shell in the Pit)
Genital Jousting (Free Lives)
Unavowed (Wadjet Eye Games)
Seers Isle (Nova-box)
Watch Me Jump (Jeremy Gable)
Return of the Obra Dinn (Lucas Pope)

Do Not Feed The Monkeys (Fictiorama Studios)
The Hex (Daniel Mullins Games)
Speed Dating for Ghosts (Copychaser Games)
after HOURS (Bahiyya Khan, Claire Meekel, Tim Flusk, Abi Meekel)
Fortune-499 (AP Thomson)
Marie's Room (like Charlie)
Tango: The Adventure Game (Gualicho Games)

Nuovo Award(3,000ドル)

Circle0 (yesyes)
eCheese Zone (Seemingly Pointless)
Noita (Nolla Games)
Mirror Drop (Ian Lilley)
Black Room (Cassie McQuater)
Paratopic (Arbitrary Metric)
Do Not Feed the Monkeys (Fictiorama Studios)
Nth Dimension[al] Hiking (Zachariah Chandler)

All Our Asias (Sean Han Tani)
Hypnospace Outlaw (Jay Tholen, Mike Lasch, Xalavier Nelson Jr., Corey Cochran)
Cyberpet Graveyard (alienmelon)
levedad (solimporta)
Subserial Network (Aether Interactive)
macdows 95 (gamebra.in)
The Norwood Suite (Cosmo D)
Nerve Damage (Dennis Carr)

Best Student Game(3,000ドル)

It's Paper Guy! (Paper Team)
Grace Bruxner Presents: The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game (Grace Bruxner)
After HOURS (Bahiyya Khan, Claire Meekel, Tim Flusk, Abi Meekel)
En Garde! (En Garde! Team)
levedad (solimporta)
Sole (Gossamer Games)

We Should Talk (HeartBeetStudio)
Coffin Rot Brewing Co. (Rosser-McGraw Studio)
Fling to the Finish (SplitSide Games)
Indecision. (Bilge Kaan)
Seasons (David Su and Dominique Star)
supertype (Philipp Stollenmayer)
Atlas' Fate: Between Light and Darkness (Baby Robot Games)
Marbloid (Supyrb)

Audience Award(3,000ドル)

ETHEREAL (Nonsense Arts - Nicolás Recabarren and Tomás Batista)

ID@Xbox Gaming Heroes Award

☆Jerry Lawson

alt.ctrl.GDC Award

☆HOT SWAP: All Hands On Deck (Peter Gyory, Clement Zheng)




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