After 9 years as Creative director & Art Director at Tango and Zenimax - I felt here is one of ends of the journeys . I learned from the talented people I've worked with and I respect. Contact me if anyone wants to work with me! →
— Ikumi Nakamura @TGS2019 (@nakamura193) September 4, 2019
「E3 2019」で注目を集めていたTango Gameworks(米ZeniMax Media傘下)の中村育美氏は、同社から退職することを自身のTwitterにて明かしました。
同氏はTango Gameworksにて、『サイコブレイク』シリーズ(コンセプトアーティスト/アートディレクター)や新作『GhostWire:Tokyo』(クリエイティブディレクター)の開発に携わっていました。
I DO NOT want to forget appreciation and respect to everything.
— Ikumi Nakamura @TGS2019 (@nakamura193) September 4, 2019
I've also decided to proceed to the new world I can keep myself happy and somebody require me. Now the huge world is showing me infinite possibilities, like an open world video game. Life in NOT linear.