「GDC Awards」第22回ノミネート作品発表!『DEATHLOOP』が6部門でノミネート | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


「GDC Awards」第22回ノミネート作品発表!『DEATHLOOP』が6部門でノミネート

『ItTakes Two』は5部門、『Forza Horizon 5』は4部門でノミネート。

ニュース ゲーム業界
「GDC Awards」第22回ノミネート作品発表!『DEATHLOOP』が6部門でノミネート
  • 「GDC Awards」第22回ノミネート作品発表!『DEATHLOOP』が6部門でノミネート
  • 「GDC Awards」第22回ノミネート作品発表!『DEATHLOOP』が6部門でノミネート

ゲーム開発者によって選出されるアワード「Game Developers Choice AwardsGDC Awards)」の第22回ノミネート作品が発表されました。

今回はArkane Studiosのタイムループシューター『DEATHLOOP』が6部門、Hazelight StudiosのCo-opアドベンチャー『It Takes Two』が5部門、Playground Gamesのオープンワールドレーシングゲーム『Forza Horizon 5』がが4部門でノミネート。いずれの作品もGame of the Year候補となっています。

Best Audio

  • Returnal (Housemarque / Sony Interactive Entertainment)

  • Unpacking (Witch Beam / Humble)

  • DEATHLOOP (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

  • Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Eidos Montreal / Square Enix)

  • Forza Horizon 5 (Playground Games / Xbox Game Studios)

Halo Infinite (343 Industries / Xbox Game Studios), It Takes Two (Hazelight Studios / Electronic Arts), Genesis Noir (Feral Cat Den / Fellow Traveller), Kid A Mnesia: Exhibition (Arbitrarily Good Productions, Namethemachine / Epic Games), バイオハザード ヴィレッジ (Capcom)

Best Debut

  • Kena: Bridge of Spirits (Ember Lab)

  • Valheim (Iron Gate Studio / Coffee Stain Publishing)

  • Wildermyth (Worldwalker Games / WhisperGames)

  • The Artful Escape (Beethoven & Dinosaur / Annapurna Interactive)

  • Sable (Shedworks / Raw Fury)

Genesis Noir (Feral Cat Den / Fellow Traveller), ElecHead (Tsuyomi / NamaTakahashi), Unsighted (Studio Pixel Punk / Humble)

Best Design

  • It Takes Two (Hazelight Studios / Electronic Arts)

  • Psychonauts 2 (Double Fine / Xbox Game Studios)

  • Halo Infinite (343 Industries / Xbox Game Studios)

  • DEATHLOOP (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

  • Inscryption (Daniel Mullins Games / Devolver Digital)

バイオハザード ヴィレッジ (Capcom), Unpacking (Witch Beam / Humble), Death's Door (Acid Nerve, Devolver Digital), Loop Hero (Four Quarters, Devolver Digital)

Innovation Award

  • It Takes Two (Hazelight Studios / Electronic Arts)

  • Wildermyth (Worldwalker Games / WhisperGames)

  • Unpacking (Witch Beam / Humble)

  • Inscryption (Daniel Mullins Games / Devolver Digital)

  • DEATHLOOP (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

選外佳作: Returnal (Housemarque / Sony Interactive Entertainment), チコリー 色とりどりの物語 (The Chicory: A Colorful Tale Team / Finji), Loop Hero (Four Quarters, Devolver Digital)

Best Narrative

  • Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Eidos Montreal / Square Enix)

  • DEATHLOOP (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

  • It Takes Two (Hazelight Studios / Electronic Arts)

  • Psychonauts 2 (Double Fine / Xbox Game Studios)

  • Unpacking (Witch Beam / Humble)

Kena: Bridge of Spirits (Ember Lab), Life is Strange: True Colors (Deck Nine / Square Enix), The Forgotten City (Modern Storyteller / Dear Villagers), Inscryption (Daniel Mullins Games / Devolver Digital), Wildermyth (Worldwalker Games / WhisperGames)

Social Impact Award

  • Before Your Eyes (GoodbyeWorld Games / Skybound Games)

  • It Takes Two (Hazelight Studios / Electronic Arts)

  • Life is Strange: True Colors (Deck Nine / Square Enix)

  • Boyfriend Dungeon (Kitfox Games)

  • チコリー 色とりどりの物語 (The Chicory: A Colorful Tale Team / Finji)

Forza Horizon 5 (Playground Games / Xbox Game Studios)

Best Technology

  • Halo Infinite (343 Industries / Xbox Game Studios)

  • Forza Horizon 5 (Playground Games / Xbox Game Studios)

  • ラチェット&クランク パラレル・トラブル (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)

  • Returnal (Housemarque / Sony Interactive Entertainment)

  • HITMAN 3 (IO Interactive)

Battlefield 2042 (EA DICE / Electronic Arts), バイオハザード ヴィレッジ (Capcom)

Best Visual Art

  • Forza Horizon 5 (Playground Games / Xbox Game Studios)

  • Kena: Bridge of Spirits (Ember Lab)

  • DEATHLOOP (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

  • ラチェット&クランク パラレル・トラブル (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)

  • Psychonauts 2 (Double Fine / Xbox Game Studios)

The Artful Escape (Beethoven & Dinosaur / Annapurna Interactive), バイオハザード ヴィレッジ (Capcom), Genesis Noir (Feral Cat Den / Fellow Traveller), Returnal (Housemarque / Sony Interactive Entertainment), Sable (Shedworks / Raw Fury)

Game of the Year

  • Inscryption (Daniel Mullins Games / Devolver Digital)

  • Forza Horizon 5 (Playground Games / Xbox Game Studios)

  • バイオハザード ヴィレッジ (Capcom)

  • DEATHLOOP (Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

  • It Takes Two (Hazelight Studios / Electronic Arts)

Halo Infinite (343 Industries / Xbox Game Studios), Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Eidos Montreal / Square Enix), Psychonauts 2 (Double Fine / Xbox Game Studios), チコリー 色とりどりの物語 (The Chicory: A Colorful Tale Team / Finji), Death's Door (Acid Nerve / Devolver Digital)

最終的な受賞作品は、現地時間3月21日から25日にかけて行われるGame Developers Conferenceでのセレモニー(3月23日)にて発表予定。インディーゲームを対象としたIndependent Games Festival Awards(ノミネート作品は下記に掲載)も同日に発表される予定です。

Excellence in Audio

Severed Steel (Greylock Studios), A Musical Story (Glee-Cheese Studios), Death's Door (Acid Nerve), The Vale: Shadow of the Crown (Falling Squirrel), Kena: Bridge of Spirits (Ember Lab), Overboard! (inkle), The Wild at Heart(Moonlight Kids)

Excellence in Design

Loop Hero(Four Quarters),Unsighted(Studio Pixel Punk),Mini Motorways(Dinosaur Polo Club), Card Shark (Nerial), KeyWe (Stonewheat & Sons), Sunshine Heavy Industries (Daisyowl Games)

Excellence in Narrative

Card Shark(Nerial), Norco (Geography of Robots), The Big Con (Mighty Yell), Tux and Fanny (Ghost Time Games), Opus: Echo of Starsong (Sigono),Sable(Shedworks), Blackhaven (Historiated Games)

Excellence in Visual Art

Inscryption(Daniel Mullins Games),A Musical Story(Glee-Cheese Studios),Kena: Bridge of Spirits(Ember Lab), Saturnalia (Santa Ragione), Stonefly (Flight School Studio), Cris Tales (Dreams Uncorporated, Syck)

Best Student Game

Astreia's Gift (Femy Nassirou & Hervé Blanchot), There You Are (Funky Dango), The Bleeding Tree (No Input Interactive), dumpling.love (the parks staff), Lysfangha (Baptiste Marsac & Daphne Pauchet-Deloffre), Jivana (Team Jivana), Hook Up (Team Hook Up), Come with Me (Xin Ye)

Nuovo Award

Last Call(Nina Freeman and Jake Jefferies), The Shape of Time (落日间 xpaidia studio), The Under Presents (Tender Claws), ~Song of Homunculus~ (Diamond Ace (Lily Zone + Zoë Sparks)),Card Shark(Nerial),The Vale: Shadow of the Crown(Falling Squirrel)

Seumas McNally Grand Prize

Toem(Something We Made),Norco(Geography of Robots),Overboard!(inkle),Saturnalia(Santa Ragione),Dodgeball Academia(Pocket Trap),Webbed(Sbug Games),Fuzz Dungeon(Jeremy Couillard)




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