その他の上位陣は昨年末から大きく変動無し。Wiiのダンスゲーム、Just Danceは続編が3位に入りつつ、1作目も11位に食い込むという驚異的ヒットを見せています。今週はあのサバイバルホラーTPSの続編、Dead Space 2が発売、来週のチャートを賑わせてくれそうです。
1. LittleBigPlanet 2(ソース: Eurogamer)
2. Call of Duty: Black Ops
3. Just Dance 2
4. FIFA 11
5. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
6. Wii Fit Plus
7. Mass Effect 2
8. Kinect Sports
9. Gran Turismo 5
10. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
11. Just Dance
12. The Sims 3
13. Dance Central
14. Fallout: New Vegas
15. Art Academy
13. EA Sports Active 2.0
14. Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
15. Medal of Honor
16. Wii Party
16. Your Shape: Fitness Evolved
17. Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
18. Wii Sports Resort
19. Football Manager 2011
20. WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2011
21. Mario Kart Wii
22. DC Universe Online
23. Donkey Kong Country Returns
24. Your Shape: Fitness Evolved
25. EA Sports Active 2
23. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1
24. New Super Mario Bros.
25. Michael Jackson: The Experience
26. Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
27. New Super Mario Bros.
28. 007: Blood Stone
29. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
30. Fable III
31. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
32. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
33. Halo: Reach
34. Michael Jackson: The Experience
35. Red Dead Redemption
36. Toy Story 3
37. Medal of Honor
38. Professor Layton and the Lost Future
39. Just Cause 2
40. Batman: Arkham Asylum
ELSPA GfK Chart-Track Top 40 (for the week ending January 22th)※ランキングは機種を総計したものです。