194.7マイル以上ドライブせよ『L.A. Noire』実績/トロフィーリストが公開 | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


194.7マイル以上ドライブせよ『L.A. Noire』実績/トロフィーリストが公開

1947年のLAを舞台にしたアドベンチャーゲーム、 L.A. Noire の実績/トロフィーリストが公開されています。オープンワールドの刑事モノという類似作の少ないジャンルだけに、未だに謎の多い本作をどのように進めていくべきかうかがい知ることができます。

家庭用ゲーム Xbox360

1947年のLAを舞台にしたアドベンチャーゲーム、L.A. Noireの実績/トロフィーリストが公開されています。オープンワールドの刑事モノという類似作の少ないジャンルだけに、未だに謎の多い本作。このリストからはゲームをどのように進めていくべきかをうかがい知ることができます。


A Cop On Every Corner
Complete a single street crime case.
Johnny On The Spot
Respond to 20 street crime cases.
The Long Arm Of The Law
Complete all street crime cases.
The City Of The Angels
Reach 100% Game Complete.
The Up And Up
Complete a story case with a five star rating.
Shamus To The Stars
Complete all story cases with a five star rating.
The Brass
Achieve maximum rank.
Not So Hasty
Stop a fleeing suspect with a warning shot as an LAPD Detective.
Asphalt Jungle
Chase down and tackle a fleeing suspect on foot as an LAPD Detective.
Traffic Stop
Disable a suspect vehicle with help from your partner.
The Straight Dope
Use evidence to prove a lie as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
One For The File
Find and inspect a clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
Golden Boy
Clear a case finding every clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
The Plot Thickens
Find and solve an inspection puzzle.
Lead Foot
Keep the needle above 80mph for more than ten seconds while driving.
Miles On The Clock
Drive more than 194.7 miles.
Wooden Overcoats
Bring down a total of 30 bad guys with head shots.
Dead Men Are Heavier
Shoot and kill a total of 100 bad guys.
Roscoe And Friends
Kill at least one bad guy with every gun.
Find and inspect 95% of all clues
The Shadow
Tail a suspect without being spotted, in a single case.
The Third Degree
Correctly branch every question in every interview in a single story case.
The Hunch
Use five intuition points in conversation with a single suspect, correctly branching each question.
Star Map
Discover all landmark buildings around the city.
Public Menace
Rack up $47,000 in penalties during a single story case.
The Moose
Tail Candy Edwards from the parking lot to her destination without using cover or going incognito.
Keep A Lid On
Complete a brawl without losing your hat as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
Auto Enthusiast
Drive 5 different vehicles.
Auto Collector
Drive 40 different vehicles.
Auto Fanatic
Drive every vehicle in the city.
Find and inspect all gold film canisters.


L.A. Noire(L.A.ノワール)はPS3、Xbox 360をプラットフォームに、北米では5月17日発売予定。日本でも今夏の発売が予定されています。(ソース: MMGN)



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