『ドラゴンボールZ for Kinect』のゲーム画面やプレイ映像が出現 | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


『ドラゴンボールZ for Kinect』のゲーム画面やプレイ映像が出現

昨日、バンダイナムコゲームスの海外イベントで発表された『Dragon Ball Z for Kinect(ドラゴンボールZ for Kinect)』ですが、海外サイトではそのスクリーンショットが早くも掲載、プレイ映像や実績リストも出現しています。

家庭用ゲーム Xbox360

昨日、バンダイナムコゲームスの海外イベントで発表された『Dragon Ball Z for Kinect(ドラゴンボールZ for Kinect)』ですが、海外サイトではそのスクリーンショットが早くも掲載、一人称視点を採用していること、原作でお馴染みのいくつかの登場キャラクターを確認できます。

また、ラスベガスの発表イベントで撮影されたものと見られる、人気モデルAdrianne Curryさんによるプレイ映像も出現。さらに実績リストもリークしているので、気になる方はご覧ください。

You’re The Best There Is!! (50 points)
You topped your high score for all Score Attack stages.

Be Reborn As A Good Guy! (15 points)
You battled Kid Buu 2 in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Gotta Charge Up My Ki… (15 points)
You battled Kid Buu in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Let’s Finish This Up (15 points)
You battled Super Buu (Gohan absorbed) in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

You Can’t Win… (15 points)
You battled Super Buu in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Take Care Of Yourself, Trunks… (15 points)
You battled Majin Buu in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

…We’ll Put This Battle On Hold (15 points)
You battled Majin Vegeta in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

You Did It, Gohan!! (15 points)
You battled Perfect Cell in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

It’s Your Turn, Gohan!! (15 points)
You battled Cell Perfect Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Show Me Your Perfect Form! (15 points)
You battled Cell 2nd Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Run!! (15 points)
You battled Android #17 in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

What Are You, Anyway!? (15 points)
You battled Cell 1st Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Do You Feel Terror? (15 points)
You battled Android #19 in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

You Idiot!! (15 points)
You battled Full Power Frieza in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

All Right! It’s Done!! (15 points)
You battled Frieza Final Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Feel The Wrath Of The Namekians! (15 points)
You battled Frieza 2nd Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

I Can Win! I Can Win This!! (15 points)
You battled Frieza 1st Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

I Feel For You… (15 points)
You battled Captain Ginyu (Goku) in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Boy, Am I Happy! (15 points)
You battled Captain Ginyu in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Have A Kaioken x3 Kamehameha! (15 points)
You battled Vegeta in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

You’re Not So Tough (15 points)
You battled Nappa in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

The Fruits Of My Training! (15 points)
You battled Saibamen in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

Serves You Right… (15 points)
You battled Raditz in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.

…This Is Super Saiyan 3 (50 points)
You won without taking any damage in Score Attack mode on Hard.

The Ultimate Power (30 points)
You won without taking any damage in Score Attack mode on Normal.

Something Good Before You Die… (20 points)
You won without taking any damage in Score Attack mode.

A Shutout Win (40 points)
You won without ever taking damage from an enemy Super Attack.

An Awesome Win (40 points)
You finished the enemy with a Super Attack and won 10 times.

Superior Power (20 points)
You intercepted the enemy’s Super Attack.

That Won’t Work On Me (30 points)
You deflected 20 enemy Ki Blasts in a single fight.

Full Power (20 points)
You stored up the maximum amount of Ki with Ki Charge.

Defense Expert (20 points)
You blocked 10 enemy Super Attacks

Evasion Expert (20 points)
You dodged 10 enemy Super Attacks.

Super Attack Master (30 points)
You pulled off 50 Super Attacks.

Super Attack Veteran (20 points)
You pulled off 20 Super Attacks.

Super Attack Beginner (10 points)
You used 10 Super Attacks.

Complete Master (30 points)
You pulled off a 100 hit combo.

Veteran Warrior (20 points)
You pulled off a 50 hit combo.

Full-Fledged Adult (10 points)
You pulled off a 20 hit combo.

Battle For The Entire Universe (50 points)
You cleared the Majin Buu Saga in Story Mode for the first time.

Cell Games (50 points)
You cleared the Android Saga in Story Mode for the first time.

Their Final, Greatest Showdown (50 points)
You cleared the Frieza Saga in Story Mode for the first time.

The Ultimate Decisive Battle (50 points)
You cleared the Saiyan Saga in Story Mode for the first time.

Welcome To Dragon World (10 points)
You played Story Mode for the first time.

『Dragon Ball Z for Kinect』は海外で2012年10月に発売予定。日本国内では現段階で未発表です。(ソース: Just Push Start, N4G)

海外で『ドラゴンボールZ for Kinect』が発表、開発はスパイク・チュンソフト
イギリスのレーティング機関にも『Dragon Ball Z for Kinect』が登録
バンダイナムコ、『Dragon Ball GAME PROJECT AGE2011(仮)』を発表&公式サイトオープン
亀仙人が強すぎな『Dragon Ball Evolution』初公開ゲームプレイ動画
海外レビューひとまとめ『Kinect Star Wars』
『Crimson Dragon』公式サイトがオープン!3種類のプレイアブルドラゴンが初披露
《Rio Tani》

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