The Best of the Best!『CoD: Modern Warfare 3』実績リストが公開 | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


The Best of the Best!『CoD: Modern Warfare 3』実績リストが公開

発売の迫る『 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 』の実績リストが公開、情報元ではXbox 360の実績のみ掲載されていますが、おそらくPS3のトロフィーも同様のものになると見られています。

家庭用ゲーム Xbox360

発売の迫る『Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3』の実績リストが公開されています。情報元ではXbox 360の実績のみ掲載されていますが、おそらくPS3のトロフィーも同様のものになると見られています。


*Back in the Fight (5) – Start the Single Player Campaign on any difficulty.
*Too Big to Fail (10) – Destroy the Jamming Tower. Complete “Black Tuesday” on any difficulty.
*Wet Work (10) – Take back New York Harbor. Complete “Hunter Killer” on any difficulty.
*Carpe Diem (10) – Escape the mountain safe house. Complete “Persona Non Grata” on any difficulty.
*Frequent Flyer (10) – Defend the Russian President. Complete “Turbulence” on any difficulty.
*Up to No Good (10) – Infiltrate the village. Complete “Back on the Grid” on any difficulty.
*One Way Ticket (10) – Make it to Westminster. Complete “Mind the Gap” on any difficulty.
*Welcome to WW3 (10) – Save the US Vice President. Complete “Goalpost” on any difficulty.
*Sandstorm! (10) – Assault the shipping company. Complete “Return to Sender” on any difficulty.
*Back Seat Driver (10) – Track down Volk. Complete “Bag and Drag” on any difficulty.
*We’ll Always Have Paris (10) – Escape Paris with Volk. Complete “Iron Lady” on any difficulty.
*Vive la Révolution! (10) – Reach the church. Complete “Eye of the Storm” on any difficulty.
*Requiem (10) – Escape the city. Complete “Blood Brothers” on any difficulty.
*Storm the Castle (10) – Discover Makarov’s next move. Complete “Stronghold” on any difficulty.
*Bad First Date (10) – Find the girl. Complete “Scorched Earth” on any difficulty.
*Diamond in the Rough (10) – Rescue the Russian President. Complete “Down the Rabbit Hole” on any difficulty.
*The Big Apple (25) – Complete “Black Tuesday” and “Hunter Killer” on Veteran difficulty.
*Out of the Frying Pan… (25) – Complete “Persona Non Grata”, “Turbulence”, and “Back on the Grid” on Veteran difficulty.
*Payback (25) – Complete “Mind the Gap”, “Goalpost”, and “Return to Sender” on Veteran difficulty.
*City of Lights (25) – Complete “Bag and Drag” and “Iron Lady” on Veteran difficulty.
*The Darkest Hour (25) – Complete “Eye of the Storm”, “Blood Brothers”, and “Stronghold” on Veteran difficulty.
*This is the End (25) – Complete “Scorched Earth”, “Down the Rabbit Hole”, and “Dust to Dust” on Veteran difficulty.
*Who Dares Wins (40) – Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
*The Best of the Best (100) – Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
*Strike! (20) – Kill 5 enemies with a single grenade in Single Player or Special Ops.
*Jack the Ripper (20) – Melee 5 enemies in a row in Single Player or Special Ops.
*Informant (20) – Collect 22 Intel Items.
*Scout Leader (35) – Collect 46 Intel Items.
*This Is My Boomstick (20) – Kill 30 enemies with the XM25 in “Black Tuesday.”
*What Goes Up… (20) – Destroy all the choppers with only the UGV’s grenade launcher in “Persona Non Grata.”
*For Whom the Shell Tolls (20) – Destroy all targets during the mortar sequence with only 4 shells in “Back on the Grid.”
*Kill Box (20) – Kill 20 enemies with the Chopper Gunner in a single run in “Return to Sender.”
*Danger Close (20) – Take down a chopper with an AC-130 smoke grenade in “Bag and Drag.”
*Ménage à Trois (20) – Destroy 3 tanks with a single 105mm shot in “Iron Lady.”
*Nein (20) – Kill 9 enemies with A-10 strafing runs in “Scorched Earth.”
*50/50 (20) – Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game with the same number of kills as your partner.
*Birdie (20) – Kill 2 enemy helicopters without getting hit in a Special Ops Survival game.
*Serrated Edge (15) – Finish a Juggernaut with a knife in Special Ops.
*Arms Dealer (20) – Buy all items from the Survival Weapon Armory.
*Danger Zone (20) – Buy all items from the Survival Air Support Armory.
*Defense Spending (20) – Buy all items from the Survival Equipment Armory.
*Get Rich or Die Trying (25) – Have $50,000 current balance in a Special Ops Survival game.
*I Live (10) – Survive 1 wave in a Special Ops Survival game.
*Survivor (20) – Reach Wave 10 in each mission of Special Ops Survival mode.
*Unstoppable (40) – Reach Wave 15 in each mission of Special Ops Survival mode.
*No Assistance Required (20) – Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game on Hardened or Veteran with no player getting downed.
*Brag Rags (10) – Earn 1 star in Special Ops Mission Mode.
*Tactician (20) – Earn 1 star in each mission of Special Ops Mission Mode.
*Overachiever (40) – Earn 48 stars in Special Ops Mission Mode.
*Secret Achievement (20) – Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

シングルプレイキャンペーンとSpecial Ops(ミッション&サバイバル)、およびどちらでも解除可能な実績で構成されており、「The Best of the Best: Hardened or Veteran 難易度でキャンペーンをクリア(100)」 が最高ポイント。ほぼMW2と同じ構成となっていますが、秘密の実績もひとつ用意されているようです。

『Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3』は2011年11月8日に海外発売予定。日本では字幕版が11月17日に、日本語吹き替え版が12月に発売予定です。(ソース: Xbox360 Achievements)



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