「The Game Awards 2016」ノミネート作品発表、GOTY候補に『オーバーウォッチ』『Doom』など【UPDATE】 | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


「The Game Awards 2016」ノミネート作品発表、GOTY候補に『オーバーウォッチ』『Doom』など【UPDATE】

Geoff Keighley氏より、12月1日より開催予定の大規模ゲームイベント「The Game Awards 2016」で発表されるアワードの各部門ノミネート作品が公開されました。

ニュース ゲーム業界
「The Game Awards 2016」ノミネート作品発表、GOTY候補に『オーバーウォッチ』『Doom』など【UPDATE】
  • 「The Game Awards 2016」ノミネート作品発表、GOTY候補に『オーバーウォッチ』『Doom』など【UPDATE】

Geoff Keighley氏より、12月1日より開催予定の大規模ゲームイベント「The Game Awards 2016」で発表されるアワードの各部門ノミネート作品が公開されました。詳細なリストは以下の通りです。

    ■Game of the Year
    Doom (id Software / Bethesda)
    Inside (Playdead)
    Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
    Titanfall 2 (Respawn / Electronic Arts)
    Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entertainment)

    ■Best Studio/Game Direction
    Blizzard (Overwatch)
    DICE (Battlefield 1)
    id Software (Doom)
    Naughty Dog (Uncharted 4)
    Respawn (Titanfall 2)

    ■Best Narrative
    Firewatch (Campo Santo)
    Inside (Playdead)
    Mafia 3 (Hangar 13/2K Games)
    Oxenfree (Night School Studio)
    Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog/Sony)

    ■Best Art Direction
    Abzu (Giant Squid/505 Games)
    Firewatch (Campo Santo)
    Inside (Playdead)
    Overwatch (Blizzard)

    ■Best Music/Sound Design
    Battlefield 1 (DICE/EA)
    Doom (id Software/Bethesda)
    Inside (Playdead)
    Rez Infinite (Enhance Games)
    Thumper (Drool)

    ■Best Performance
    Alex Hernandez as Lincoln Clay (Mafia 3)
    Cissy Jones as Delilah (Firewatch)
    Emily Rose as Elena (Uncharted 4)
    Nolan North as Nathan Drake (Uncharted 4)
    Rich Summer as Henry (Firewatch)
    Troy Baker as Sam Drake (Uncharted 4)

    ■Games for Impact Award
    1979 Revolution (iNK Stories)
    Block’Hood (Plethora Project/Devolver Digital)
    Orwell (Osmotic Studios/Surprise Attack)
    Sea Hero Quest (Glitchers)
    That Dragon, Cancer (Numinous Games)

    ■Best Independent Game
    Firewatch (Campo Santo)
    Hyper Light Drifter (Heart Machine)
    Inside (Playdead)
    Stardew Valley (ConcernedApe/Chucklefish)
    The Witness (Thekla)

    ■Best Mobile/Handheld
    Clash Royale (Supercell)
    Fire Emblem Fates (Intelligent Systems/Nintendo)
    Monster Hunter Generations (Capcom)
    Pokemon Go (Niantic)
    Severed (Drinkbox Studios)

    ■Best VR Game
    Batman: Arkham VR (Rocksteady/Warner Bros.)
    EVE: Valkyrie (CCP Games)
    Job Simulator (Owlchemy Labs)
    Rez Infinite (Enhance Games)
    Thumper (Drool)

    ■Best Action Game
    Battlefield 1 (DICE/EA)
    Doom (id Software/Bethesda)
    Gears of War 4 (The Coalition/Microsoft)
    Overwatch (Blizzard)
    Titanfall 2 (Respawn/EA)

    ■Best Action/Adventure Game
    Dishonored 2 (Arkane Studios/Bethesda)
    Hitman (IO Interactive/Square Enix)
    Hyper Light Drifter (Heart Machine)
    Ratchet & Clank (Insomniac Games/Sony)
    Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (Naughty Dog /Sony)

    ■Best RPG
    Dark Souls 3 (From Software/Bandai Namco)
    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Eidos Montreal/Square Enix)
    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine (CD Projekt RED)
    World of Warcraft: Legion (Blizzard)
    Xenoblade Chronicles X (Monolith Soft/Nintendo)

    ■Best Fighting Game
    Killer Instinct Season 3 (Iron Galaxy Studios/Microsoft)
    The King of Fighters XIV (SNK/Atlus USA)
    Pokken Tournament (Bandai Namco Studios/The Pokemon Company)
    Street Fighter V (Capcom)

    ■Best Family Game
    Dragon Quest Builders (Square Enix)
    LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (TT Fusion/Warner Bros.)
    Pokemon Go (Niantic)
    Ratchet & Clank (Insomniac Games/Sony)
    Skylanders: Imaginators (Toys for Bob/Activision)

    ■Best Strategy Game
    Civilization 6 (Firaxis Games/2K Games)
    Fire Emblem Fates (Intelligent Systems/Nintendo)
    The Banner Saga 2 (Stoic Studio/Versus Evil)
    Total War: Warhammer (The Creative Assembly/SEGA)
    XCOM 2 (Firaxis Games/2K Games)

    ■Best Sports / Racing Game
    FIFA 17 (EA Canada/EA Sports)
    Forza Horizon 3 (Playground Games/Microsoft)
    MLB The Show 2016 (SIE San Diego Studio/Sony)
    NBA 2K17 (Visual Concepts/2K Sports)
    Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (PES Productions/Konami)

    ■Best Multiplayer Game
    Battlefield 1 (DICE/EA)
    Gears of War 4 (The Coalition/Microsoft)
    Overcooked (Ghost Town Games/Team17)
    Overwatch (Blizzard)
    Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft)
    Titanfall 2 (Respawn/EA)

    ■Most Anticipated Game
    God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony)
    Horizon: Zero Dawn (Guerrilla Games/Sony)
    Mass Effect: Andromeda (BioWare/EAs)
    Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar)
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo)

    ■Best eSports Player
    Faker - [Lee Sang-Hyeok] SK Telecom T1, League of Legends
    Coldzera - [Marcelo David] SK Gaming, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    Byun-Hyun Woo - Starcraft 2
    Infiltration - [Lee Seeon-woo] Team Razer, Street Fighter 5
    Hungrybox - [Juan Debiedma] Team Liquid, Super Smash Bros.

    ■Best eSports Team
    SK Telecom T1 - Game: League of Legends
    Wings Gaming - Game: DOTA 2
    SK Gaming
    ROX Tigers - Game: Leauge of Legends
    Cloud 9

    ■Best eSports Game
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Valve)
    DOTA 2 (Valve)
    League of Legends (Riot)
    Overwatch (Blizzard)
    Street Fighter 5 (Capcom)

    ■Trending Gamer
    Danny O’Dwyer

    ■Best Fan Creation
    Project A2MR
    Pokemon Uranium
    Brutal Doom 64
    Endereal: The Shards of Order

『Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End』や『Overwatch』など2016年を賑わせた人気タイトルが並ぶ今年のTGAですが、本格展開したVR対応ゲーム部門にも注目したいところ。しかしながらそのノミネート作品は「PlayStation VR」向け作品のみであり、海外メディアShacknewsなどでも取り上げられ、HTC ViveやOculus Rift、Gear VR関連タイトルの欠如が問題のひとつとして提示されています。

UPDATE(2016/11/17 11:00): ソースの内容に沿って本文を一部加筆・修正しました。



ニュース アクセスランキング

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